Promotion of digital competences
Large parts of the rural population in Uganda lack ICT skills, which are a prerequisite for many professions today. It is true that many people own mobile phones, which are used to make phone calls and send messages, and which are also used to transfer money digitally. But they often lack access to a computer and the opportunity to learn basic programmes such as Word, Power Point or Excel in practice. Due to insufficient equipment with PCs, many pupils receive more theoretical than practical digital knowledge. ADEPT wants to change this and therefore supports schools in their plans to expand ICT subjects and modernise school education in this way.
Ongoing measures
St. Anthony School Kyazanga: Construction and equipment of an IT building with two IT classrooms
Mainly financed by the help alliance gGmbH and the Beurer Foundation.
St. Joseph School Butenga: Further equipment with PCs; donations are welcome
Completed measures
St. Joseph School Butenga: Construction of an IT subject building; equipment with eight PCs and a projector
With financial support from ELM Recycling and the Georg Kraus Foundation
St. Bruno School Ssaza: Construction and equipping of two IT classrooms; establishment of an IT club in cooperation with the AEB Foundation Stuttgart; largely financed by the AEB Foundation Stuttgart