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A large poster at the entrance gate to St. Joseph School lists children's rights

"Child Friendly School"
Senior 1 - Focus on the child

ADEPT CoRe project / 2024 - 2026
CoRe = Competent & Responsible

In order to prepare students in Uganda as well as possible for life, it makes sense to teach them life skills. For this reason, lessons at secondary schools in the ADEPT programme are supplemented by three modules. The aim is for students to have the basic skills they need to lead a responsible life and become active entrepreneurs by the end of o-level secondary school.

MODULE 1 - "Child-friendly school"
One of these modules is the "Child-Friendly School" project, which has been developed and tested by ADEPT in cooperation with its southern partner over the past few years. During the pilot phase of this module, the head teacher responsible observed a "growing culture of human dignity at his school". ADEPT would like to promote this further!

At the secondary schools in the ADEPT support programme, the "Child Friendly School" teaching module is firmly anchored in the curriculum of Senior 1. Through various workshops, young people aged 13 - 17 are sensitised in the areas of health, the environment and children's/human rights; their parents deal with their own rights and duties in an extra workshop. Specifically, the following topics are covered: Personal hygiene, preventive measures against infectious and sexually transmitted diseases, monthly hygiene, protection against malaria, setting up working groups on the topic of "health", fire safety, environmental awareness, waste separation and recycling, children's and human rights (origin, meaning, compliance, reporting misbehaviour) and parental responsibility.

We would like to thank the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the AEB Foundation, the Beurer Foundation and the Georg Kraus Foundation for their financial support of the CoRe project in 2024 - 2026.

At St. Joseph School, attention is paid to the observance of children's rights